
Smoking Cigars Courtesy of Sprunger, and Men in Kilts Playing the Guitar

The smile on our faces is the best example of the time we had. Me and Andy went to the Highland Festival this past Saturday, and if you don't know what it is, it's a Scottish celebration festival. We went with Smokers Club to go vend Cigars and specialty cigarettes without the intention of staying by the table to work, but totally did anyway. Our table was located in the Scotch and Wine tent, and towards the end of the night we SLAYED! We sold so many cigars at gross, festival-inflation prices. Nobody carded me either, so I was tasting wine, doing jello shots, and drinking rum the entire day and night. We worked from 4-12:30 (for the festival... not to mention our 9-3 shift at Smokers Club that morning), and I smoked a lot of cigars and more than a handful of bowls of Michigan Street (that's an aromatic pipe tobacco) in my pipe. I killed the flask of rum I brought too... so all the sin that went into my body that night, coupled with the fact that I hadn't eaten more than a muffin for breakfast and a bukkit-o-fries had me feeling pretty sick at the end of the night.

We actually got to sneak away for a bit when we got there and went to check out some of the vendors. There were swords for less than $50, kilts for sale, and all types of Scottish vends. I was smoking a cigar whilst, and only one guy mentioned 'how rude' it was. I wasn't bothered by his comment, but the fact that he touched me when he said it, and it wasn't a friendly touch. I promptly told him to 'go inside, then'. He then dragged his son out of the sword tent while looking like a complete asshole. It wasn't like I was blowing smoke in his face either. Oh well.

But all in all I had a really good time. We were situated in the alcoholic mainstage area where there was a stage for a band to play and a bunch of drunk folks astumblin', and mainly all of them were really good people, so it was fun to sell to them with bagpipes and guitar in the background the whole night. The people who worked the winery were really cool, too. They ended up (and this wasn't their policy... but they did anyway) selling Deb and Andy some bottles of wine after much tasting and conversing. Deb and Doug were awesome company. We all were able to get away from the Club and just have a great time and awesome conversation. And hey! I even found a few glass ashtrays to take home as souveniers.

I'd do it again, for sure.

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