it seems like whenever it's cold out, and i'm kind've lonely, listening to Bon Iver always helps. hope you all are doing well. maybe more later..
Sorry about the delay. I know it's been a while.
OH! This weekend I'm heading to the highly anticipated, long awaited, intensely thought of, Columbus Pipe Show. We leave friday morning around 4a... so I'll be missing two classes. I should've sent an email to my professors by now, but it doesn't make much difference, I'll see them tomorrow morning, and one class isn't mandatory (even though I'm slightly ashamed of myself to be missing it). However, I can't wait to go. My company will entail Andy and Russ Cook, pipemaker extraordinaire. I hope he has my pipe for making his website finished... Anyhow, we'll be making a trip downstate to carpool with another fella, and then we head into the thicks of Ohio to meet with other folks at an ACTUAL pipe shop. I'm stoked about that as well. I wish my birthday were earlier, so I would have some more money to take down. I want to stock up on tobacco (I don't think I need any more pipes, 3 are being repaired, one made, and one is waiting for $50 to be received) as the FDA and American interests are highly anti-smoke, and I fear it will soon be illegal in public, and later in the home.
The OCPS (Order of Collegiate Pipe Smokers) is about to take flight. Andy, Luke, and myself need to do a once-over on the constitution and hand it into the RSO office so it can be approved and we can be recognized. Our first meeting will be in mid-September, so it's coming up quick and I fear we may not have the constitution approved in time. Our fearless president Andy says we are going to have the meeting regardless, but I fear we may be the only three there and will have nothing to speak of. I want to bring something educational to the club... and have high hopes for what it could be. I need to get some chalk so I can get some awareness going on for the post-approval, should it be a feasible RSO in the eyes of folks who are health-conscious and powerful. Dave has offered Smokers Club as the official sponsor, and we will be holding our club there. It was awful kind of him. The only stipulation is that he is able to drop in from time to time, and that is totally acceptable in my opinion. If you ever read this Dave, thank you.
Until next time. Cheers!
sorry i've waited so long to post a post. i've been super busy with work. please take my excuse, it's all i've got. i'll be further winded in future posts.
11 Hour Day
Yesterday was a great day. Our internet got fixed, and I sat on our back porch listening to music and smoking cigars all afternoon. Around 3 I get a call from Thompson Cigar and we chat for about an hour and I buy some cigars from them. That phone call made my day. Then I went to Jons and it was a drag after that... Regardless though, if I can be in as much of a good mood today as I was yesterday, it will make the 11 hour shift I work at Smokers Club fly by. Wish me luck, folks!
I Made A Website, or, I Got A Second Job
Lately things have been pretty normal, but i'm totally cool with it. I've been working at Smokers Club plenty and I finally got around to talking with Russ about making his website. Russ is a local pipe maker, and has been looking for someone to make him a site with all his pipes on it for quite some time because he actually hired someone to do it last year and the guy was a duche. So we got together, brainstormed much less than we drank, and got him registered on GoDaddy. He gave me free reign to use whatever I could to bring together everything he stood for in website form, all while putting his pipes on. It took the better part of a week, but I got it done. He is going to pay me not in money, but in pipes. I'm getting a pickaxe! If you want to check out the site, go to It's pretty neat.
I also recently picked up a job at a 50's drive-in kinda place. It's called 'Jon's Country Burgers'. They specialize in FUCKING AWESOME FOOD FOR CHEAP AS SHIT. Not to mention my boss is pretty cool. I have grown to like working there more and more. I got a paycheck today. $200 for 30 hours of slave labor. Not bad. 200 for 6 days labor? Hey, it pays the bills...
Smoking Cigars Courtesy of Sprunger, and Men in Kilts Playing the Guitar
We actually got to sneak away for a bit when we got there and went to check out some of the vendors. There were swords for less than $50, kilts for sale, and all types of Scottish vends. I was smoking a cigar whilst, and only one guy mentioned 'how rude' it was. I wasn't bothered by his comment, but the fact that he touched me when he said it, and it wasn't a friendly touch. I promptly told him to 'go inside, then'. He then dragged his son out of the sword tent while looking like a complete asshole. It wasn't like I was blowing smoke in his face either. Oh well.
But all in all I had a really good time. We were situated in the alcoholic mainstage area where there was a stage for a band to play and a bunch of drunk folks astumblin', and mainly all of them were really good people, so it was fun to sell to them with bagpipes and guitar in the background the whole night. The people who worked the winery were really cool, too. They ended up (and this wasn't their policy... but they did anyway) selling Deb and Andy some bottles of wine after much tasting and conversing. Deb and Doug were awesome company. We all were able to get away from the Club and just have a great time and awesome conversation. And hey! I even found a few glass ashtrays to take home as souveniers.
I'd do it again, for sure.
Looking Up and The Promise of A Good Time!
Things may be actually turning around for me. Just when I was about to go and re-apply, I got the letter I was waiting for from the Department of Human Services for my Bridge Card. In the wake of my recent Sams Club Membership, it could be good.
Tomorrow Me and Andy are going to the Highland Festival at Alma College after work. It's a Scottish Festival with traditional food and festivities. Apparently it's a big deal, they have all kinds of professional and serious Scotsmen attend. One of the main reasons I'm going is that Smokers Club is going to have a smoke tent to vend cigars and cigarettes, but i'm also going because it's one hell of an excuse to get out of the house.
I'll post pictures!
Best Way to Waste Printer Ink and Make Your Living Space Look Good
I was recommended a website from a friend, and it's really turned out to be wholeheartedly worthwile. It's called and there are nearly endless possibilities for what you can do with it. Granted, you can only upload photos to it that are under 1MB, but if you have about an hour to plan it out and a good printer, it proves to be a great touch to any apartment or dorm or whathaveyou. Check out their 'gallery' for ideas!
You've gotta love well wishing, or, friends who make 'promises' that don't happen, or--Why I finally understand old people who look out their windows.
Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but, maybe it just seems to me, and perhaps this is selfish, that I go visiting far more often than I am visited. And every time I go to leave I always get the token, "Aw, yeah man, I'm going to come up and visit real soon" deal, and it just never seems to happen. Maybe that's just the way that friends from home want to scoot me out the door quicker, or they are just scared they will come off the wrong way or something, but since college I've only found a handful (this handful being like, 2 or 3 people) that actually follow through with what they say they are going to do, and don't bullshit things. For that, I'm appreciative, but I don't mean to discredit the more than 10 friends and family that just never seem to follow through with shit, because they're good folk. Honest. And hell, maybe it just happens that legit plans fall through at the last minute for everyone, but god damn it happens a lot--- and in the week where I finally understand why old people sit out on their front lawns and look at traffic or are creepy and just look out their windows at passers or small animals because there isn't ANYTHING on tv worth watching or anyone to talk to, that I really wish I had a visitor. I got a lot of stuff done this week, yet there was a lot of time, like now, that I'm not doing shit, and would love to have someone to chill with.
Every so often someone enters the store and just doesn't leave, and continues talking much longer after they get what they want about their personal life that you don't care about, and when they leave, you look at any nearby coworker who was subjected to such dead-endery and give them a look that can only be explained as a "well... okay" by opening your eyes wider, raising your eyebrows, and giving a thoughtful "wtf" frown. I finally understand these people, who browse about in a store much longer than needed so they might be around something interesting to make their day feel worthwhile when they lay down to bed at night.
I suppose the moral of this story is that I would like to put myself out there far enough to meet some quality people who are willing to put forth enough effort and time in order to necessitate a small refund in the form of a good time. ---i.e., people who can pry away from their lives just long enough to do something as petty as hanging out with someone who actually cares. ---i.e., someone who gives a fuck.
My feet hurt
I walked everywhere today. The only redeeming fact about walking 2 and a half hours home is well, a few things. I signed up for a bridge card, I bought "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" with an extra disc full of special features, and I got a bike that needs a touch of air in the tires. Otherwise, it was a lot of walking and sunlight. But by FAR the most wonderful thing about the day would by any other means be the most overlooked. It was dinner. I hadn't eaten anything solid all day, and this simple fried hamburger and onions was absolutely delicious. The biggest downfall about living in the apartment is that I can't go home for the summer due to lack of car, getting around is tough, and this whole week the most company I have is Food Network (not that i'm complaining, but Guy Fieri can't talk back). I'll manage though. I see it as some time off from the world until the work I am doing sets itself up. And besides, I get to watch good movies all week.
This Thursday
I officially move into my apartment and start life independently. I'll be living in Mt. Pleasant all summer, and it has promise to be great. I'll continue working at Smokers Club as well. I'm very excited. We've got three guys living in a 5 room townhouse. My goal for the summer is to save up enough money to pay off my apartment and enough money to buy a car and put it on the road. Here's to everything going well!
I Want To Smoke Myself
Check the link. For a MERE $400, I could smoke tobacco out of my likeness! Pretty badass..
The Zombie Apocalypse and Eventual Capture by Mexican Nationalists
What a dreary Monday. Yet, so typical. One would expect rain on a Monday..
Anyhow, I've felt awfully hatemongerish today and I don't know why. Maybe it was the dream I had:
The dream started with me being handed 3 different things: a large gun (either shotgun or automatic), a handgun, and a knife of some kind. I asked why I was being handed these things, and the answer came from nobody and nowhere at the same time: it was the Zombie Apocalypse. Everyone was killing each other out of mistrust too, so it was every man for himself. The weird part is, if you got killed, you respawned. I was running around in first person, killing everyone threatening to kill me, because the death experienced I could actually feel in my sleep; so every time I was stabbed to death, I felt it.
After a while of senseless killing, I used my words. I explained how pointless this all was and a few seemed to agree. So myself and the small band I had gathered closed ourselves off in what seemed to be a corporate office in the mexican jungle. There were two doors in this room, and a couple windows. The office was set across from another building as well, but it appeared to be abandoned and completely broken down, posing no threat. The doors in the room were locked and blocked off by things, but the people on the outside learned that we were in the room, and started shooting down the doors. We had eventually killed them off when they broke through, and everything seemed quiet.
Then i'm looking at a guy standing near the window, and then--- an arrow grows out of his chest! He falls in dismay to the ground. One, two, three more are killed, until it's just me and this other girl in the room. We look at each other, and she books out the door. I follow her, and before we know it, we're outside in the sun, and then running through thick undergrowth for what seemed an eternity. When she finally stopped running, I collapsed from exhaustion.
There was a crashing through the undergrowth, and I was dragged a short distance to a broken down barn near a river. It was disgusting. There was garbage and children everywhere. I was brought into the barn and thrust into a chair. They were screaming at me in Spanish, and pointing guns in my face. They asked what I was doing in Mexico and asked me why I should live. Even in the dream, I was consciously thankful that I took 4 years of Spanish in High School. I responded in broken words that I should live because I could cook and clean and tend to the children. They backed down, and days passed. I grew fond of the children. A week passed. I cleaned up the camp. I learned they were Mexican Nationalists, planning to overthrow the government for the Zombie Virus outbreak.
Then, I woke up.
Just Another Day.
As the workday finally comes to a close, I put out my cigar and start to make my way home. I'm heading out a little later than I want to (40 minutes after close), but I'm okay with it; the company of Deb and Doug was too much just to walk away from. Doug has the greatest stories. As I start heading down Michigan Street, I can only picture myself from behind as I walk into the sunset. 14 blocks to go. 'Dramamine' by Modest Mouse comes on my Ipod. I get a text. It's Andy. The realization that we're having ribs for dinner tonight sets in as I read his message, "Where are you? I'm almost done grilling." Shit.. it's going to take a half hour to walk home, and i'm going to miss delicious spare ribs with the Sweet Baby Rays barbeque sauce that I like so much. I text him back, and take off my sandals; they only slow me down. The pavement is still warm from the cloudless day, and even though the pavement hurts my feet, the warmth feels great. I start to jog, I don't want to be late. I turn onto Fancher, and keep a nice rythym. Families are still out in their yards, oblivious to the drunken masses only a few blocks over. I cut a corner. The soft grass is much better than the now-cool pavement. 12 blocks to go. I start running just off the sidewalk. The impact is too much on my heels.
As I approach High Street (M-20), the traffic is suprisingly light for how many people came out of their caves to enjoy the weather. I cross with relative ease. I zigzag my way through the maze of suburbia, and enter the college housing. Just ahead there is a convenience store I never bothered to go into, despite the fact I've lived just a stone's throw away for 2 years. I throw my sandals on, and approach. A friendly welcome found my way to the cooler. I grab 2 liters of Diet Coke. $4.13 at the counter. The man working is a little older than me, and we make small talk. "Throw it on the card." We wish each other well. 7 blocks to go.
They seemed to pass in a blur. The sun has now set, and it's dark. I walk oblivious to the partying going on around me. Oblivious to the frat boy already passed out in a bush to the right. Oblivious the the girls walking by with the mini-skirts that would impress their fathers. Oblivious to the discarded cans and the 'all-too-epic' wreckage. The only thing on my mind is the music pumping through my ears, and the longing to get back to the dorm for a nice dinner (for once). 1 more block.
I cross the street to find my RHD and her husband Gabe on the front steps. They ask me what a moose sounds like. Their son looks up at me. I give it my best. They laugh, I continue. I make my way to the back lobby, and through the doors to where the grill is. Nobody is there, but I open the top of the grill anyway. The coals are still hot, and I can see the BBQ despite the darkness. I make my way upstairs, and everyone is waiting for me.
Just another day.
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